When you start reading about the Big Bang Theory,what do you think of? Do you think of how the Earth began? Something completely random, like popcorn? Well, in a way the Big Bang Theory is like popping popcorn. The theory states that the Universe began with a big EXPLOSION! Then the Earth expanded into what it is now. So when popcorn pops it changes from a kernel to a popcorn. In my life I do not thank the Big Bang Theory for creating the Earth. As being a Christian I believe that God, Jesus Christ, created the Earth in a matter of 6 days. Although the time period was not the same as ours now, day wise, it was originally sixteen hours per day. The Bible is proven to be one of the most accurate books in history. Verse Genesis 1:1 says, ” In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth”. Although having to admit, I was not alive then, and no one knows for sure how God did create the Earth. He could have had an explosion to start the planet Earth,then added the features that belong in it now. So for now no one knows, how exactly the Earth was created.